ROADMAP (2021)
Elite Slash Game (Active)
Animal Companions
Purple Royal Dragon (Pending...)
Pink Dragon (Pending...)
Phoenix (Pending...)
Disaster Relief (Active)
Earthquake Api (Active)
Virtual Med Kit (In Progress)
Elite Minecraft (Active)
Elite Wallet (Pending...)
New Features
Wrapped Elite (TBD)
ROADMAP (2019)
Continuation of the Elite Slash Game development. (Active)
Animal Companions
Elite Dragon (Active)
Black Dragon (Active)
White Dragon (Active)
Golden Dragon (Active)
Red Dragon (Active)
Phoenix (In progress...)
Blue Dragon (TBD)
Green Dragon (TBD)
Pink Dragon (TBD)
Purple Royal Dragon (TBD)
Cobra (Active)
Medusa (Active)
Scepter (Active)
Golden Egg (Active)
Gem (Active)
Bag of Gems (Active)
Loose Gems (Active)
Scepter (Active)
Mystic Fire (Active)
Super Crystal (Active)
Fairy Shop (Active)
Anti-Venom (Active)
Dragon Cave (Active)
Automated Paid Streaming (Active)
Faucet for live Twitch streamers.
Elite Store (Active)
Elite Minecraft (Active)
Elite Minecraft Server Launched: play.elitecraft.dev (Live)
Wanted: Mod Volunteers Application Form (Active)
Aircoins AR Partnership (Confirmed & Active)
See Twitter for more details.
Launch (Live)
Aircoins 1st Year Anniversary Event (July 4th-7th)
Worldwide Hunt (Pending...)
​Mobile Wallet (Pending...)
Description Pending...
Elite Dragon Assets (Testing in progress...)
Description Pending...
Earthquake API (In progress...)
Description Pending...
Discord Swaps (In progress...)
Description Pending...
Puzzle Labyrinth Stories
Description Pending...
Tournament API
Description Pending...
WALLETS (version 3.0) NEW
ROADMAP (2018)
Jan: Re-brand/New Logo (Completed)
Re-brand 1337 to Elite with the same ticker (1337) and new logo.
Jan-Feb: New Website (Completed)
Launch new website with new name.
Feb-March: Fun In-game Addons (Completed)
Minor fun project involving Elite themed in-game addons to let gamers show some Elite love and support.
Feb-March: 1.337% Final APR (Completed)
Set final rewards APR to 1.337%. Moved the date a little to let users (elites) take advantage of current APR.
Feb-March: Core Wallet v2.0.0.0 (Completed)
Release core wallet v2.0.0.0 with new APR, re-brand changes and new checkpoints.
Q2: Elite Paper Wallet (Completed)
Develop paper wallet generator.
Mac (Pending...)
Paper Wallet (Pending...)
Update: The new wallet v3.0 is now available.
Note: Those that are still on the older version, please save a copy of your existing wallet.dat before starting fresh: by deleting all files except for the wallet.dat itself...then downloading and installing the correct wallet designed for your system; you must then click on the tab called Debug Window>Console> type repairwallet before hitting the enter key if in case your balance does not appear properly once after it had synced.
What is F@H?
Created by scientists at Stanford University, Folding@Home (F@H) is a record-breaking distributed-computing program that networks your unused computer resources to create one of the most powerful super-computers in the world. It then directs that energy towards folding amino acids to understand some of the most devastating diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and Huntington’s in more intimate detail, enabling researches to fight them more effectively. Folding@Home is a global effort, with individuals just like you joining hands to make difference. You really can be “one in a million!”
For more info: https://foldingathome.org/
The Elite Foundation is passionate about making the world a better place, and has found Folding@Home to be the perfect partnership for accomplishing this. For that reason, Elite Coin has assembled a team, and rewards the members with Elite Coins when they participate via the steps listed below.
Credits to Dudeitsaid.
To get started, please enter the Elite discord and type !fah-register to receive the instruction.
listed on
Bololex (Available Markets: Doge & LTC)
Important Announcement: "Dear Users, We’re pleased to inform you that our crypto exchange website is temporarily back online. However, due to ongoing technical issues, we regret to announce that we will not be able to support the exchange in the long term. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and sincerely appreciate your understanding during this challenging time. We kindly urge you to manage your funds and proceed with any necessary withdrawals to avoid potential losses. Thank you for your continued trust and support. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team." -Bololex
Xeggex (Available markets: LTC & BTC)
Currently in maintenance mode; please read their page to stay up to date: https://x.com/xeggex
other platforms
Note: Please be wary of all exchanges and platforms. Not your keys not your coins. Do not invest more than what you can afford to lose - nor leave coins in exchanges that you are not actively trading. Also, do not make a large deposit/withdrawal unless you're absolutely sure that where you are sending to/from are completely on the same chain.
Earn Elite coins by playing, chatting or simply visiting the site.​​​​
Earn every 30 mins and requires signup:
*Disclaimer: We do not own these faucets and we are not responsible for the payouts or other issues.
Elite coin is the gaming currency that brings the gaming world and cryptoworld together. We plan to achieve this by integrating Elite into games and allowing users to use Elite as an in-game currency. The idea is to make the process of earning and spending fun for everyone.
Almost every game has an in-game currency to track progress of the game and enable gamers to interact with each other and the game mechanics. Elite coin not only aims to fulfill this role, but to actually go beyond of that what is possible today: earn in-game currency in one game and spend it in another, and that within minutes. There is no need to let results of hours of game-play stay untapped when simply wanting to play another game for a little while. Get control of your in-game resources and use them across the spectrum of games, where and when you want it!
A first impression of how the Elite coin can be integrated into a game is already there: come join us and play this simple but interesting game, not only you will have fun, but you will be able to earn your first Elite coins, just by playing and, before you know it, you will be one of the members of the dedicated Elite community helping others to enjoy the game, suggest changes and accompany newcomers as they make their first steps into the Elite world.
Credits to Cookiess.
Ticker: 1337
Algorithm: X13 (Currently Pure POS)
POS Interest: 1.337% Annually
Type: Mix POW & POS
Block Time: 60 Seconds
POS Min Age: 60 Minutes
POS Max Age: Unlimited
Address Starts With: L
POW Coins: 14,853,745.946
Last POW Block: 17280
Premine: 2,353,115.216
Confirmation: 10
RPC Port: 13372
P2P Port: 13373
Block Reward
Block 1-2 = Premine
Block 3-440 = 0
Block 441-2880 = 0.1337
Block 2881-4320 = 1.337
Block 4321-5760 = 13.37
Block 5761-7200 = 133.7
Block 7201-8640 = 1337
Block 8641-10080 = 13370
Block 10081-11520 = 1337
Block 11521-12960 = 133.7
Block 12960-14400 = 13.37
Block 14401-15840 = 1.337
Block 15481-17280 = 0.1337
team & contributors
Lead Developer
Just an angry nerd.
Elitecraft Admin
Stay Happy! Stay Elite!
All for Elite and Elite for all!
Tipbot Developer
Mad scientist.
Never Sleep, always elite.
need a hug? Too bad, I have to study.
Death to microtransactions.
Social Media
Save the princess, save the world.
One Byte At A Time - Making It Elite.
The queen has yet again gone on vacation.
You get elite, he gets elite, she gets elite, everyone gets elite.
Editor/Social Media
Stay Happy! Stay Elite!
To know oneself, one must rise and be Elite!
Game Host
He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.